game Cover
game CDRom
©1993 Hudson Soft
Release : 1993 (not for sale)
SuperCDRom² HCD3054
Action game

Bomberman'94 Special Version is a limited edition game that was distributed to promote the soon-to-be released Bomberman'94 (released on Hucard in december 1993). In a nutshell, Bomberman'94 Special Version only offers the multi-player Battle Mode from Bomberman'94, the multi-player Tag Mode and no single-play capability. However, these multi-player modes are really limited - only one battle arena to chose from, multi-player only (there is no option to play against the computer) and it doesn't include any of the character variations found in Bomberman'94.
Bomberman'94 (Pce-Hu) Tengai Makyō Deden no Den (Pce-SCD²)
screen shot screen shot
screen shot screen shot
screen shot screen shot
Bomberman 94 Special Version Bomberman'94 Special Version was available before the retail release of Bomberman'94 and shows some interesting differences. Although the official release date is unknown, Bomberman'94 Special Version 's opening sequence clearly displays a Bomberman'94 Coming Soon message (picture on the right). Additionally, some of the ingame graphics are still temporary and in progress - the most obvious are the Victory and Draw Game screens which are a lot less elaborate (they feature a stage with curtains in the final version, and solid grey walls in the special version), as well as the trophy screen which uses gold coins instead of trophy cups ! It is not really clear as to where this promotional version actually originated from (most likely from Hudson Soft's exclusive fan club or given away at one of their popular tournaments) and only 10,000 copies are believed to exist.

Bomberman 94 Special Version warning screen Here is the System Card warning screen for Bomberman'94 Special Version. Most Super CDRom² games featured System Card warning screens. These screens appeared if the player happened to boot up a Super CDRom game with the wrong system card (under version 3.0 for a Super CDRom², or any system card for an Arcade CDRom²). Although some of the early games simply didn't boot at all with the wrong card, some started to display simple warning screens, elaborate animated scenes, and some, such as the popular Akumajō Dracula X, even included a short mini-game! Interestingly, these Super CDRom² warning screens became forgotten pieces of history because most players used a Duo system (which has a built-in 3.0 system card) to play their PC Engine CDRom games (Simply use a System Card v1.0, v2.0 or v2.1 to activate the warning screens on a Duo, Duo R or Duo RX system).

Bomberman'94 Special Version secret code Secret code:
At the CDRom boot up screen (before the game starts), press and hold Left and then Run. The "Push Run Button" English text on the title screen should change to Japanese (it indicates that the code was successfully entered). Although this code unlocks new battle arenas in Tengai Makyō Deden no Den, it doesn't seem to do anything here...

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Bomberman'94 Special Version is a promotional game and, in that respect, is more of a collector's item than anything else. This Super CDRom² is a bare bone experience and only includes a multi-player battle mode and one arena to choose from. But as an historical piece, this game is really interesting and has some visual differences with the retail game worth noting. So here you have it - because of its very nature, Bomberman'94 Special Version is at its heart no more than a curiosity for collectors and it doesn't come cheap (well, it is rather affordable for a promotional game and currently costs between $50/$60 a piece). So this Super CDRom² is definitively not for anyone looking for another Bomberman game...

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